Update from CNN (Chandler News Network) – Gareth has decided to stay in London for 2011… I’ve been looking at some options back in Australia but ended up choosing to take advantage of the opportunities while I’m still over here and extended the excitement for another year. So won’t be heading back to my old school unfortunately – but just to prove me wrong something may come up and like they say about the best laid plans of men… or mice…
Birds Flying High (The Fun Stuff)
So what’s been some of the highlights since I last put fingers to keyboard? Managed to get into Buckingham Palace on the last weekend it was open – and another incredible palace but no photos allowed. Continuing with the British theme went and saw Henry IV Part I at the Globe Theatre. Was much better then expected after the pain that Shakespeare inflicted during school. It’s so much better performed then read – but still struggled staying focused during some of the lengthy soliloquies. Luckily there is a very funny character in that part who stole the show anytime he was on stage.
I’m sure there’s been more stuff (and some adventure later) but special mention to Clotted Cream in the Cotswolds. Yum…
Sun in the Sky
Unfortunately (but luckily for my bank balance) I’ve spent most of the days working… so for most mornings it’s up early and off to school while the sun’s up. Can’t really share too many details but luckily overall it’s been going really well. Good days and bad days like everywhere but most classes don’t end up in tears… And I think this is the turning point for the weather – been pretty good with the sun shining and not typical English weather until this week. Now it’s all heading south… (or north over here temperature-wise)
(Belgian) Butterflies all Havin’ Fun
Finally got the travel bug again and had a fantastic excuse to catch up with some friends in Belgium. Caught the Eurostar over which was so painless and quick! Still crazy that you can do a weekend trip to a new country without having a lengthy flight. Spent the night in Brussels (not great weather) and woke up and had to get to Antwerp for the catch-up. But first, had to climb another thing!
If you’re a science buff you may recognise this as an iron crystal blown up some bazillion times. Was built for the 1958 expo held in Brussels but is a pretty cool landmark but oh so touristy. Wasn’t a great weather day but still fun to go to the top and enjoy the view! And it’s just so unique – a bit similar story to the Eiffel Tower in that it was only supposed to be up for a year or so but the locals got so attached and now its one of the big tourist attractions of Brussels.
Once finished there got on another train to Antwerp (included on Eurostar ticket) and caught up with friends. Ate more fantastic food, went on an interesting walking tour and luckily the rain wasn’t too painful. Headed off to a tapas restaurant where I ate way too much and decided I enjoyed Belgium even more when I discovered they didn’t tip! Shame they can’t get a working government though – but the country still seems to run pretty well so maybe we could all do without politicians…
(Not blindfolded Lady of Justice – hmmm… Why is that significant Legal Studies students?)
And the other excitement for the weekend was that it was NRL Grand Final weekend and my team the Dragons had finally made it. No luck finding an Australian bar, and even with some locals help the address we had been given had become a lights and kitchen shop. Since it was Sunday morning got to an Irish pub when they opened and thought I would get the final hour of the game. Was screwed over though since Australia had just jumped to daylight saving without telling me! So saw the celebrations that were still pretty cool! Now to win 11 more and beat that record…
Stars when You Shine
Starting to stretch these titles but had a couple of other fun nights. Went to the Last Night of the Proms concert at the Royal Albert Hall. Brief summary – the proms go for a month or so of concerts in London and they all finish with a big final night. While most tickets are booked ages in advance, if you’re willing to wait all day and stand for the whole concert you can get into the Hall for only 5 or so pounds. Quite a fun evening with flag waving and then it all finishes with some classic British songs including Jerusalem, Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen. Yay for pomp and ceremony!
Had another great evening by going to see the musical Avenue Q. Talk about an adult’s version of Sesame Street. Amazing what you can say/do when it’s in a comedy. And now I know what the Internet is for.
Sleep in Peace when Day is Done
School has got a bit hectic recently – we were inspected by the UK governmental organisation (OFSTED) that ranks all the schools. All the teachers got extremely stressed and there a lot more preparation that had to be done – but luckily none came to see me… a bit of a letdown after all the extra work though. Now just have to get through one more day and have a half-term break that will be very nice! Not planning much besides sleeping in and having to go serious warm weather clothes shopping.
What’s with the titles? My favourite song at the moment due to TV show Chuck and the way it can brighten up any day! Search youtube for ‘feeling good’ and some fantastic versions but the original by Nina Simone is quality.
So it’s nice being a bit more settled for 2011 and now can start organising some more adventures! Let’s see how I cope with a proper winter, (fingers crossed for a white Christmas)
… and I’m feeling good!