Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Holiday, Another Blog

I could get used to this 6/7 weeks on, 1 week off business over here teaching in the UK. Teachers are shocked that we ‘survive’ on average a 10-week term in Australia.


Can’t believe Christmas is nearly 2 months ago. I was invited to join a group of friends in Budapest for a couple of days over Christmas. As was mentioned in the last blog, I was flying out of Luton (don’t do it… couple of days before Christmas when flights have been backlogged… very stressful…) Thankfully I was only delayed 2 hours (trying to be positive) but as I seem to be discovering I would be comic relief in an Amazing Race. I arrived in Budapest no problems and was going to catch a train into the city (thought it would be cheaper then taxi for one person). So got to the train station and a train pulled up and I asked the conductor whether it went to ‘Central’. Unfortunately this must have translated as ‘Szeged’, which is a city on the Hungarian/Serbian border in completely the wrong direction. And since it was an express train couldn’t get off for 40 minutes. Ticket was a lot more expensive than I thought but that was only the beginning…

Finally got to the first stop, got off and crossed the platform looking to head back to Budapest. Funnily enough there was another couple that had made the same mistake. So we got on the train and started heading back to where this ‘adventure’ had begun. Then the conductor came through and long argument and mistranslations later – the short story was that we were fined for not having a ticket (somehow should have got one from somewhere…) and then had to pay the ticket as well. While it wasn’t a huge fine, it did require a visit to another ATM quicker then I was expecting.  And it would have been substantially cheaper to just catch a taxi in the first place…

So after a long day of travelling I finally reached the apartment. First thing to understand is that there are some way more serious photographers in the group so I often don’t get my poor Panasonic DMC-ZS3 out to take photos. If you look at some Facebook photos I’m tagged in they should show you the fantastic apartment we were in. While it was hard to leave such a great place we did manage to visit the hot baths (different to what I did last time – these ones were heaps better!), get to a Classical Concert and do a bit of sightseeing. One thing I should have learnt is that Christmas time is freezing outside… one day I underestimated the degree to which I ‘d feel the cold. At least there’s always café’s and restaurants to duck into to try and get some warmth back into those extremities. And thanks again for all the wonderful food on the holiday! And a tip on how to translate English into Hungarian – juszt addz az z anyzwherez itz fitszzz.

New Year

A few of us flew back to London in time for New Year and I wanted to compare it to how Sydney does the Fireworks. Went into the city and joined the crowd on Waterloo Bridge where we had a view of Big Ben and the London Eye where all the fireworks would take place. Certainly not a family friendly spot like the parks on Sydney harbour and not something I’m too keen to do again (gross stories have been edited in case you’re eating… or just eaten… or thinking of eating in the near future…) but it was an experience and it was well set up with speakers and music playing for the hours we were waiting.

(Fireworks – hopefully see Big Ben bottom right and the London Eye in all the smoke)

The part I was dreading the most was actually heading home – London public transport can often get too packed at the end of a working day – let alone after New Year’s Celebrations. However it was randomly suggested that night we take advantage of the newly available public bikes in London that can be dropped off reasonably close to where I was staying. So I bought in 2011 by riding home and getting a bit of a head start on the new year’s resolution… shame it went all downhill after that. What I was dreading the most actually became one of the highlights of the night!

(Boris Bikes – named after Mayor of London)

New House

So there have been a couple of changes to life in London. I’ve moved into a new house with friends over here. Nothing too exciting to say (especially when they could easily be reading this blog – heya housemates :-) ) but it did require me to do something I haven’t done for over 20 years. I actually had to take my 1st trip to Ikea that I can remember (supposedly had been there when I was very little but no memory). Managed to buy stuff I didn’t really need but I’m sure that’s part of the conditions of actually going in to the maze that is Ikea.

(photographic proof for the doubters…)

New Job

The even more exciting news is that I have a new job. As part of the move, my old work was just a bit too far to travel. So went looking for work that wasn’t just Maths teaching. I was lucky enough to find a maternity leave position to cover teaching Economics and Business Studies just for 6th Form (like Year 11&12 back home) so it’s quite a different experience to teaching Year 7/8 Maths. Seems to be going pretty well – but due to timetable issues I actually have 5 periods on one day with the same students. Not the best plan when you’re trying to teach something in the afternoon… even I’m getting sick of my own voice by then.

Trip Planning

Final thing to discuss is the trips I’m thinking of doing. I’m actually heading home to Australia in a week for my sister’s wedding. Will be great catching up with friends but will disappear so quickly since only have 2 weeks. And there better be nice weather. I desperately want to go to a real beach!

I was getting very close to booking a South American adventure for Easter holidays but couldn’t get a permit to walk the Inca Trail (all sold out in 2 days). Since that fell through (and it was a major reason for heading there for me – like the Pyramids is to Egypt) I’m still considering what to do for those weeks off. Then once school has finished for the year in July will be looking at some more travels… At the moment considering African safari, trip to Russia and/or Europe in a bit more detail. So many choices and so little pounds/euros/dollars.

Well that’s all he wrote folks… 7 days till 24 hours of torture to get Down Under. And I’m nearly counting the number of hours…