Wednesday, July 14, 2010

School’s out for Summer. Again.

I hope you’re singing the song – because it’s stuck in my head and I don’t know enough of the words so it’s on continual loop. My trip around the world following summer is great weather wise, but not so great if you’re a teacher looking for work. But since I can’t do anything about that I get to enjoy summer in the Northern Hemisphere for the first time!

Life in London Organised… Kinda

Here’s the quick rundown – I’ve found full-time work starting when school returns in September. It’s an all-girls high school with over 1200 students in North London teaching mainly Maths and something else – I’m hoping not German. I’ve also organised a place to live near there in a share house. It’s reassuring knowing everything is a bit more settled.  Next mission is to try and find some sporting teams to join…

Earning English Pounds

I have actually worked. Bit of a shock to the system. First day was the school I’ll be working at in September for an interview day. Went well and they offered me a job. Then worked out East that is supposedly the bad part of London to teach in. School was massive, nearly 2000 in the high school but they had great support that was very helpful.

Sent a few out of class, and got a couple to do the work left. Got great respect for teachers there and for supply/casual teachers in general. It’s so much easier knowing the students names. Students tried so hard to waste time asking about Australia – used the possibility of answering their questions at the end of class if they worked well. Only 1 class managed to ask me questions about Australia… And yes… Chandler is a character off friends. Without fail got asked that in each class…

Brighton Beach Coast

Now onto the fun stuff! We have been having a fantastic summer here – not to rub it in too much to those back in Australia – so it was great to join into a trip to Brighton. First question – what word jumps into your head when I say beach? I bet it won’t be here… (mine is sand – no luck). I complain when the sands too hot at home – but here I didn’t even take off my shoes. 

(ignore randoms – dodgy stones… how is this a beach?)

Hopefully you can see in the photo the size of some of the rocks on the beach. Also no waves – and boy was it cold. Took my boardies but not desperate enough to go swimming.
However, it was a great day! The pier in the photo was buzzing and you might be able to make a tall ride in the distance. Had a go on that and was pretty cool. Ate way too much (including classic fish and chips) but managed to avoid getting burnt. Can’t say the same for some of our group. And so quick from London by the train.

Modelling at Madame Tussads

Yes I am a tourist… here’s exhibit A. Like seeing Big Ben, this is one of those places you just have to visit. Thinking it would be cool to come dressed up in a suit so you don’t look out of place like I did in the next photo.

(it had to be the photo with the Queen…)

Don’t really know what the kid is trying with the gun. Took tons of photos but again reinforced the idea you can’t rely on randoms to take a photo. None of them worked out…


Another British experience I can cross off my UK bucket list. Next time I won’t go when Murray is playing cause it was packed. No chance of getting a resale ticket to a show court but watched a doubles game that went to the 3rd set and nearly stopped due to bad light. Was the last game still going since they don’t have a night session.

(stereotypes – here we come)

Just a fun afternoon – false advertising by HSBC regarding free strawberries, the bored score-keeper who can say to his friends – “I scored at Wimbledon…”, and our planning on how to get away with a tennis ball if it was hit to us. Now just need to get to French and US Opens to complete the set.

Kew Gardens

Botanical gardens are boring I hear you say… Why go there when you’re in London. Two reasons – the first is nothing is boring… it’s your choice to be bored and it’s something you can personally change… the second is that they were incredible! I think it’s great when you don’t have an expectation and you can enjoy something without preconceived ideas about how good something will be. Seeing some amazing and rare plants was pretty cool. And the photo opportunities were endless. Since my camera was easily the smallest present I’ll rely on a comedy photo for this section.

(Now eating humble pie… this is a funny photo that I complained about doing – what do I know?)

Got to see the largest surviving Victorian glasshouse which houses the biggest indoor plant in the world! How’s that for a claim to fame. They also have a butterfly house which I wasted way too many photos for no reward. Stupid beautiful things that just won’t stay still… The delete button got a work out in there.

Divorced, Beheaded, Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived - Hampton Court
Another day trip out of London… Another fantastic day! Famous for being one of the many palaces of Henry VIII. Tried to do everything but you know how that works out. Managed to see the oldest tennis court in the world – not grass tennis but combo of squash and outdoor. Actually it works the other way doesn’t it… this game split into squash and outdoor tennis. And there were people actually playing which was cool.

Got to do a hedge maze but that was disappointing. However the rooms were incredible and so easy to imagine what it was like back then. They also did a re-enactment  of one of Henry’s wedding preparations throughout the day. I think it was to his last wife. Also sat through a Church of England’s evensong. Such a structured ceremony but an impressive chapel/church. And the all-male choir was incredible.

(What happens when you combine a beautiful palace mirror, an amateur photographer and great tapestries)

Took tons of serious photos but it would be better for people just come and experience it yourself. Absolutely worth putting on the list of things to do and the free audio guide was superb.

The Leftovers

Now’s the time for random stuff I want to remember that may not make too much sense, doesn’t have a photo or I need to write really quickly about.

Managed to relive my childhood with egg and spoon races, visited many sites including the Imperial War Museum (my, what big guns you have!), had the best thickshake in London – dark Lindt flavour. (I could write so much about that place – 100 flavours to choose from including cucumber) and watched the end of the World Cup (trivia question – which team did not lose any game in the 2010 World Cup?)

There are obviously things/places I’ve forgotten but hopefully that’s a taste of what’s going on over here to those enjoying Winter back home. Please don’t be mean when I’m freezing here and you’re having summer. I wish I could bottle some of the sun. 

1 comment:

  1. Answer. New Zealand

    Smooth work, all girls school.
    Katie says join a soccer team, with all the skills you have.
