· Invoke feelings of jealously
· Induce relief due to the reader’s personal warmth
· Incite latent anger at monarchists, halloweenists, children and British Airway workers
Took me a while to start this blog. It started to sound like a 10 year olds Show and Tell. “Last weekend I went and saw …. And then… and then… and then…” But with school filling up my working week and this blog not having been written for a while I just get to remember the highlights.
Halloween and Thanksgiving
Having never celebrated Halloween before (due to being raised by a father who believes “We’re not Americans – and those kids don’t deserve candy…”) I have managed to avoid doing anything related to this ‘holiday.’ But with an American in our group here we had a perfect excuse to take part in the festivities. And the most fun was pumpkin carving. Don’t really know how to describe it but the de-pumpkinification process was slimy while the carving was a bit like colouring in the numbers. Worked out all right for my first ever attempt.
(Pumpkin Carving)
And my best memory from Thanksgiving was the incredible amount of tasty food I ate!
Epicus Maximus Weekend
Don’t really have words to describe this weekend but will show some photos to begin. And yes it’s me…
(Muder Mystery Weekend)
(Film Premiere)
Diary for the E.M.W.
Saturday – Murder Mystery
Got to take part in a murder mystery set in Gambia. I was delegated to be the only African on the adventure so did the whole make-up. 1st try I looked like a red M&M but after applying more and more of the stuff started to look slightly more authentic. Was a fantastic evening and thanks to the host! Managed to achieve all my goals – without ruining anything it involved me doing 2 African dances (solo, loud and for 3 minutes) and also getting married.
Sunday – Ice-skating at Somerset House
Beautiful location (no photos unfortunately), great friends and the perfect weather for it. Unfortunately I was reminded why I never took my Australian school roll year group ice-skating. Stupid sport where I can’t balance… Only doing it once a blue moon doesn’t help but still – this will be only once a year thing at the best of times.
Monday – Brooke Fraser Concert
Luckily an INSET day (read day off for teachers to get back some sanity) and met up with friends again for a concert. Was a fantastic evening with one of those performers who are just as entertaining when they are working the crowd as they are performing. Best joke of the day – “We are usually given a choice between ice cold water and room temperature water. Don’t think it makes much of a difference here in London…”
Tuesday – Film Premiere
And the big one! The world premiere of “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” in the gracious presence of Her Majesty the Queen! Had to get all dressed up in black tie and walk the red carpet. Unfortunately couldn’t dawdle too much because the very strict security guards kept you moving. As previously mentioned in this blog I’m not much of a celebrity spotter but walked past some X-factor contestants, saw the stars of the movie and actually recognised Liam Neeson.
But the big draw card was actually seeing the movie with The Queen. She arrived last and was introduced to everyone important. Once she was settled and more talking was had we got to the movie. Was fun, and in 3D so would have been cool to see her wearing those dodgy glasses. And it was really loud, don’t know if that was due to the Queen going slightly deaf (she probably had a volume control in her seat…)
An incredible evening and something to cross off the ever-growing bucket list.
Innsbruck and Christmas Markets
Had to get a trip to the continent into this blog somehow. A group of us did an Amazing Race adventure to the Austrian town of Innsbruck using 4 different routes. Unfortunately for me, if I was in the race for 1 million dollars I would have got knocked out. My BA flight was fine as we headed down into the valley the Innsbruck was situated in. However it got a bit windy and about 50 metres above the ground the pilot gunned the engines and we headed off. After circling for a bit we were diverted to Munich and had to catch a bus. Not much fun… and why is there always crying children on these trips. Had two choices: Blast my ear drums with music so I couldn’t hear anything, or go on a crazed murdering rampage through the bus… Option 2 started becoming more and more likely when we got stuck in snow and slowed down to a crawl along the autobahn.
But after finally getting to Innsbruck (sans Murder charge) I was disappointed to find no snow. Went back to my hotel (cause it was freezing outside) and another loser of our Amazing Race finally arrived and said he had landed in snow at the airport. Waking up the next morning in fresh snow was fantastic! And it had dumped heaps. If London was hit with that amount of snow it would have been a disaster but the Austrians just dealt with it.
Innsbruck was lots of fun with friends, made a snowman, bought lots of healthy food and even went and watched an ice-hockey game. Tor!! Luckily the home team won but it was a close game and I think that was the first full ice-hockey game I had watched. The Mighty Ducks hadn’t taught me enough about the rules though.
On the Sunday we headed up the other side of the valley to what I had done previously. So crazy you can go from the centre of town to the top of a mountain in half an hour by gondola. And the very top (where no one was – skiers or crazy tourists) this was the view.
(View over Innsbruck)
Had another amazing race attempt – after arriving in London in the late afternoon we headed to the Royal Albert Hall to listen to the Messiah. I got caught at the world’s slowest Subway behind the world’s most picky fast food eater. Stupidly missed the express train that everyone was on and had to push to get to the Hall in time. Just arrived when they said 1 minute to closing doors but managed to check in my luggage and climb 3 flights of stairs so I was able to watch the concert. The choir was fantastic and another cultured experience.
Snow in London
As you’ve probably heard it’s been snowing in London. (DO NOT return to the previous blog and look at what I was wishing for at the end of it.) Didn’t get a snow day at school unfortunately but the latest snow fall which has caused all the issues wasn’t a huge amount. I have a German housemate who has been disgusted with how ineffective the British are and it’s hard not to agree. When they can get Oxford street fully cleared but can’t get Heathrow Airport cleared? At the busiest time of the year? Lots of peoples plans have been upset but fingers crossed I can fly out tomorrow to Budapest. Luckily not through Heathrow.
Here’s a random snap taken on Saturday in Hyde Park.
(Hyde Park)
The Quick and the Fun
And finally the list of things I need to remember but due to my need to start packing I can’t write in detail about:
· Weekend at the Old Dairy – involving hectic games like Postal Panic and Chook Chook. And can’t forgot Huffkins
· Rock-climbing, ‘The Perfect Husband,’ and Mapominoes (Europe, Africa and Asia)
Finally, Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you have a fantastic time wherever you are. And to leave you in a good mood – a combination of one of my favourite carols and the Muppets! Yay for Beaker
(and if you want more laughs check out their Bohemian Rhapsody, or Beakers Ballad, or Habanera… ok so I’m on holidays!)
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