I had to go through this blog and reduce the number of times I called something in the town Nice, nice. But it’s such a great term for this city. Not fantastic but pretty nice.
Flamenco Show
For our final night in Barcelona there was a correlation of significant factors that made the night ripe for strange occurrences. First off, Barcelona FC was playing Inter Milan in a very important football game. Second, it was a full moon. And finally our bunch of mainly Aussie tourists was ready to hit the town. All a recipe for excitement... (or disaster)
The flamenco show ‘tour’ was organised by the hostel we were staying at and was a new feature so our tour guide was just as interested as us to see what it was like. All met up and started to walk... and walk... After a decent walk during the day that most of us had done exploring Barcelona this was getting a little annoying. We arrived at a Tapas Restaurant (small snacks) and told we only had 20 minutes to get in and out. Food was pretty good – what we were able to grab – and then we were off again for another walk.
I had been hoping to watch the football live at some bar but thought I should stay with the group – so the whole time we were on this tour the streets were pretty dead as the whole city was watching the game it seemed. Was pretty disappointed when the places we visited didn’t have a tv.
So after our brief meal we were whisked to a flamenco show – bit of a flop unfortunately. The performers were pretty good but they had this child dancer who had the biggest pout I had ever seen when she wasn’t performing. Talk about a grumpy kid who would be a terror in any classroom. The show we were seeing was also packed with school kids on an excursion – and since we were late we were standing at the back... poor feet. Just to rub it in – the stupid kids were playing ipods and clapping purposefully out of time to try and throw out the beat. Would have been embarrassed if they were my students.
Football Update – The game finished in the middle of the show and the kids were following the score. So stopped and interrupted the show... Luckily Barcelona FC won – but this I was told weeded out the true followers and the ‘touristy’ ones. Even though Barcelona FC won 1-0, they lost on aggregate so didn’t progress (I think – talked to one semi-upset fan). So all those ignorant ‘jump on the bandwagoners’ fans like those kids were I’m sure mocked by the locals.
What could have been a big night for Barcelona was a bit subdued – half our group bailed before this underground bar. I stayed with the other half but we all bailed pretty quickly after our ‘local guide’ was more interested in chatting up the talent. We are extremely lucky with our Topdeck guide – she’s fantastic and I wish she had organised the evening.
On to Nice
Early start in the morning and day on the bus again – started teaching some people how to play 500. Went alright but those bowers kept popping up at the wrong time. Stopped at a perfumery – I’m definitely not a ‘nose.’
Nice Night
Arrived at Nice and headed out for a group dinner. Pretty good meal and great profiteroles for desert. Went to an English speaking bar with live music. Was lots of fun!
Nice Day
Due to the late night had a great sleep-in. Went out for a wander with two main aims and a map. (even though it was a McDonald’s sponsored map...) First aim was to climb the Colline du Chateau. This fortress had a great view of the city and the sea and a very pretty waterfall. Took heaps of photos of the same thing as I climbed.
(this photo from the very top!)
On the other side of the mountain was a marina with a huge number of boats. These two were the biggest but might see more in Monaco tonight.
Walked along the beach which wasn’t very exciting. Stones aren’t as comfortable as the great sand we have in Australia so not worth writing home about it (oops). The temperature of the water was about 17 degrees – so wasn’t keen enough for that.
Final mission for the day was to find an ice cream place recommended by our tour guide called Fenocchio. It was in the old city with tiny alleys so went wandering. Would have been a perfect detour for the Amazing Race. Managed to stumble across it and it had a very interesting list of flavours including Tomato and Basil, Avocado, Lavender and Coca-Cola. Wasn’t allowed to taste test so went for a Bounty one and a Choc/Nut combo. Delicious.
Ambled around and had a look in some shops – found a bookstore but no English. What I would give for a Borders or Dymocks.
Tonight we’re off to Monaco so have to dress up. Finally what’s the deal with this teen pop guy visiting Australia? The only news I hear of Australia over here is the crazy girls getting hurt wanting to see a boy I’ve never heard of. Great claim to fame...
Week Ahead
Sat, 1st of May French Riviera to Venice, Italy
Sun, 2nd of May Venice
Mon, 3rd of May Venice to Florence
Tues, 4th of May Florence to Rome
Wed, 5th of May Rome
Thurs, 6th of May Rome to Patras, Greece
Fri, 7th of May Patras to Athens