First of all, feeling a lot better. Sick Gareth is certainly brief Gareth. Head not pounding and can hear out of my right ear again. Still not 100% but able to enjoy holiday at this stage again. Once I sent out last blog thought I should explore city a bit and took some cold and flu drugs and able to get through day. Can sort of see how Washington D.C. was based on Paris – got a very similar feel in the center.
Decided to do a bit of a walking tour – didn’t go into any places but just enjoyed the beautiful weather in a beautiful city. Caught the metro into town and impressed by public transport again. We are ripped off in Sydney – here trains every 5mins. Couple of interesting stations as well, went through one that was like a submarine with coppers walls and port holes. Got out at the Louvre and wandered around – took many photos because glass Pyramid is pretty cool. Since we were only here for 1 day decided I would have to come back and truly experience all the interesting things Paris has to offer later.
Unfortunately the bright sun was playing havoc with my hyperactive tear ducts and contact lenses. (Note for next time – wear sunnies in sunny Europe) I just couldn’t stop crying for a while when in the sun. Probably looked a bit odd in Paris – single guy crying while wandering in the city. Was thinking people could have thought I had tried to propose and been turned down and heartbroken – don’t know where that thought came from – was drugged up...
Another thing – not the best city to come to if you dislike PDA’s. My God, get a room!
To stop my crying I found a bench in the shade and just sat there for over an hour I think. Was very relaxing and fun to people watch. I was approached by a gypsy lady who asked me if I spoke English – used my best French impression and said ‘non’ and she believed it. So glad I didn’t have to go through her money wanting scheme. Which brings me to the other 2 tricks I’ve seen here:
1. String Ploy
Usually targeted at women – a man comes up and wraps a piece of string around your wrist. All fine and good – but if you want it or want it cut off you need to pay. So catch 22. We were warned by our great tour guide about this one. They also know all the places tourist visit – we were once travelling as a group and it was like getting through a rugby pack with everyone having their hands deep in their pockets.
2. Ring Ploy
Another sneaky one – you’re just ambling along taking in the magnificience of Paris when a random approaches you with a ring and says you dropped it. NEVER take it!! They get quite persistent if you don’t, saying it’s yours and so on. But if you do take it they want a ‘reward.’ And will follow and follow you until they get it – annoyance pays off I think.
Probably anyone who has travelled in Europe already know of these and if there are more I’d love to be warned about them.
Back to my wanderings – saw the Obelisk that Egypt swapped for a dodgy clock tower that stopped working after a short time. Raw deal for them because the Obelisk is pretty impressive in France. Even more impressive since it’s all by itself – and Paris buildings are so low. Purposeful decision by the Parisians and its paid off.
Champs Elysees
Strolled up this famous street – truly revealed my anti-shop-aholic status since I didn’t go into any shops at all. Can feel the gasp from here...
Arc de Triumphe
Another impressive monument in the middle of the crazy roundabout. It was bigger than I thought – and since still not feeling fantastic didn’t climb it. Will do that when I return.
Eiffel Tower
Thought I had to at least cross one thing off the list so chose to climb the Eiffel Tower. By climb I mean get the elevator the whole way up. Wasn’t that desperate to save 4 Euros and climb to the 2nd level. Due to the fantastic blue sky was a great view – might go up in the night next time I’m here.
Again I need to complain – yes I was a little annoyed by excessive PDA’s before but fair enough – this is the city of love. But at least i can escape. No such luck in an elevator. OMGoodness. I’m sure there was a competition between the couples in the elevator to the very top – was extremely glad to escape!
Cabaret Show
Met our group for a picnic near the tower. Because we’re down on numbers there is a massive amount of food. Great news for the ‘poor’ travellers with us (or those saving their money to get plastered) Decided to go to the Cabaret Show – since this is PG blog won’t say too much. Didn’t understand half of it but don’t think that’s the point. Unfortunatley for those so inclined - no photos.
Wasn’t just ‘dancing’ however, guy on massive unicycle was amazingly skilled with his tricks and juggling. There was also a trapeze artist that was fairly impressive. Luckily was sitting in the middle of our group so wasn’t pulled up the front unlike some of the group. Very interesting night!
Now we’re on our way to a camp site in Switzerland. (9 hours on a bus – yay) Spend a day here – probably going to go up the highest railway in Europe tomorrow and see snow. From the desert to the snow in a week.
Had day in Swiss Alps – will write about later. Incredible scenery and went to the Top of Europe!
Week Ahead
Sun, 25th of April Swiss Alps
Mon, 26th of April Heading to Avignon, France
Tues, 27th of April Avignon to Barcelona
Wed, 28th of April Barcelona
Thurs, 29th of April Barcelona to French Riviera
Fri, 30th of April French Riviera
Sat, 1st of May French Riviera to Venice, Italy
Sunday, April 25, 2010
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