Saturday, April 3, 2010

Singapore and ‘embarking upon such a mad enterprise.’

Flight to Singapore – Singapore Sightseeing – Changi Airport

Well, the adventure has begun and welcome to those who are interested somewhat in this blog. Read the disclaimer if you’re bored and got time on your hands. Writing from Changi Airport (Singapore) which is fantastic. Free internet, free foot massages, free movies, free Xbox/PC Games and free air-conditioning!

Flight to Singapore

After arriving too early at Sydney International Airport and having to wait to check-in (Doc McClintock would be proud) and then realising we nearly checked our luggage straight through to Cairo it was an interesting beginning to this odyssey. With that sorted and the obligatory tearful goodbyes experienced it was onto the plane. No problems until my super-dooper personal entertainment system decided to impersonate a mime and drop all sound. I couldn’t be moved because it was a completely packed plane, I was instead blessed with a $75 voucher to spend on in-flight expensive souvenirs (an upgrade would have been nice) – still haven’t decided so Mum will probably get some beauty products.

Arriving in Singapore at midnight local time (3am ours) we got a taxi driver who would have been fantastic if we were competing in the Amazing Race. Not one car passed us as we sped down the freeway into the city to our hotel for the evening.

Singapore Sightseeing

Hotel fine – Today was our mad dash around Singapore with trusty tourist map. Didn’t have a plan but managed to see the remains of the British Fort, Botanical garden, Ruffles and Orchard Street. Nearly gate-crashed a wedding and realised that I don’t mind the heat but humidity is my kryptonite. Thank goodness for air-conditioning - Egypt here we come :(. But true to the tropics as we were finishing our walk it started raining.

Changi Airport

With plenty of time till our 11pm flight to Cairo tonight – we arrived at the airport early. We caught the train (MRT) which I was hoping Superman would come along and give us a push aka ride at MovieWorld... no such luck. As everyone who has ever visited Changi Airport would say – it puts our local airports to shame – nearly a resort! After a massage, shower and wander in their rainforest I reckon I’m ready as I’ll ever be for my 12 hour flight.

No photos – managed to leave cable in checked on baggage and also didn’t remember that Singapore has Asian power connections so my Europe adapter is pointless here. Don’t have much power in iPod – shouldn’t have let Bron play the Moron Test for so long at the airport before we left!

Any Suggestions:

- New Blog title - If you have a great suggestion – leave it in the comments section, on facebook or email.

- Best way to try and get a flight upgrade! After walking through business class I’m extremely jealous – probably flying at Easter isn’t going to help matters...

Week Ahead

Sun, 4th of April Cairo

Mon, 5th of April Cairo (pyramids)

Tues, 6th of April Cairo (museum)

Wed, 7th of April Cairo to Luxor (begin Cruise)

Thurs, 8th of April Cruise cont.

Fri, 9th of April Cruise cont.

Sat, 10th of April Cruise cont.

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