The last couple of days have been a series of highs and lows. I also feel as though I’m writing a script for a movie with all that is going on. I’m certainly getting my money’s worth of great stories and experiences.
After the counselling session of the last blog, we arrived in the capital of Serbia. I’m starting to sound like a broken record with how little time we are spending in a city, let alone a country. Did a quick driving tour and saw some remnants of the war and NATO’s bombing runs.
(bombed buildings)
We wandered in the twilight to their fortress and saw some cool tanks, artillery and cannons. No good photos in the dark unfortunately. Headed back and had managed to muddle our way through ordering tea. It’s pretty cheap here for great food. Then headed to a posh restauranty place for dessert. Big mistake. I ordered a snickers cake and hot chocolate (it was still cold and windy there) and I’ve never had such a rich cake before. And it was a massive serve. But so delicious. After loosening the belt managed to get it all down (was dared a bit) but had to roll back to the hostel.
Serbia/Hungary Border Crossing Debacle
We’ve been pretty lucky with all our border crossings – until this one. Boy what a mess...
Got out of Serbia all right –but then Hungary is part of Euro zone so extra checking. We were targeted since we have a Columbian guy on board, and so had to get all our bags off and wait in the freezing wind. As we waited, and waited, and froze they completely searched our bus. And then the unthinkable happened.
One of the guards was crawling under the bus, looked up into the engine compartment and saw a stow-away. Uh Oh... Some poor guy was hiding under our bus, desperately trying to escape where he’d come from.
Not good for us, and especially not good for our tour guide and even more bad news for our bus driver. We were all finally herded into a room and told to wait. Extremely luckily this had a bathroom or there could have been another international incident. Our bus driver and tour guide were taken and interrogated. Tour leader finally came back with a bit of news. Supposedly the man was from Palestine and said he had been on since Greece! That was ages ago...
The other part of news she shared was that we may all be questioned as well. And guess who out of all the group had been to Israel/Palestine. Very Bad News...
After waiting nearly 6 hours, and playing card games, football with a sleeping bag, ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf?’ and eating all the scraps we could get our hands on the ordeal finally came to an end. They searched our Columbian friend’s bags but didn’t have to ask us any questions. Luckily before I went completely mad (had been pacing around a little too much) we were allowed to go and continue our holiday. I have no idea what punishment the man will face, but I’m sure it’s not good news, pleasurable or blissful.
Finally we reached Budapest. Since we were a long way behind schedule did a quick tour, then headed out for tea. I’m seriously getting fed too well here – and with limited exercise I’m going to need a new fitness regime to get back in shape. Had a traditional dish which was massive, can’t remember the name but it was filling and so warm in the cold night air.
With a full day here in Budapest, managed to get a bit of a sleep-in. Headed out after breakfast and wandered the city. First aim was the Castle District and luckily Budapest is pretty easy to find your way around. Having the Danube River split the city into Buda and Pest certainly assists.
To get to the castle I had to cross the river – and went across the bridge which was protected by lions. The guy who designed these lions got heaps of pressure since people couldn’t see the lion’s tongues. Eventually, after so much pressure he snapped and supposedly threw himself off the bridge and committed suicide. Bit of a bleak story... Worst part is if you can climb up and look in, you can see that he had actually included tongues.
(‘tongueless’ Lions guarding bridge)
Caught a tram to the top of the hill (having a relaxing day today after the stress of yesterday) and had an amazing view of the city. Wandered for a bit but had my mind set on achieving something else.
Hot baths... and a massage! Was directed to this hotel which had a bath complex. Budapest and Hungary in general has many springs of hot water. After eventually paying and getting through the door – I booked a massage and headed to the heated water. Very relaxing and pretty good value. Massage wasn’t too impressive, but nice change to the running around or sitting on the bus that this trip has mainly been.
(Gellert baths - before)
So another day done – and in a bit over a week it’s all going to be finished. Need to head out for tea – didn’t have lunch since it’s going to be massive again...
So internet was too slow in Budapest – couldn’t upload... Now more to add!
Travel to Austria
I think we’ve managed to get on the bad side of the gods of travel... Got diverted from the freeway and a quick trip turned into a crawl. We weren’t supposed to stop in Hungary again (so I spent all my money on little chocolates – down to 30c of their funny money) but due to the delay had to put another tiny amount on my credit card to avoid changing more money...
Our first stop was the winter palace of the Hazburgs (bad spelling I’m pretty sure). We had 30 minutes for this palace. Nearly had to run around to get the view from the back near a waterfall... Way too rushed again.
(beautiful gardens)
They even had a hedge maze which would have been something novel to do. But since I had 5 minutes to get back to the bus, don’t think I could have fitted in getting purposefully lost. No chance of getting to see inside the impressive palace. So even after our first stop there were places I wanted to revisit.
Did a quick bus tour and walking tour. I realised that we spent longer detained on the Hungary border then we got free time in the whole of Austria. What a travesty... Since it was after 5pm couldn’t get into many places – and no point since so rushed. However, we did get some culture by going to a classical music concert with a 12 piece Chamber Orchestra. Outside the palace it was held in was this monument to Strauss.
(golden statue of Strauss)
Prague tomorrow – with our driver needing 45 hours complete break there we get a couple of sleep-ins! How exciting...
Week Ahead
Fri, 21st of May Vienna to Prague, Czech Republic
Sat, 22nd of May Prague
Sun, 23rd of May Prague to Berlin
Mon, 24th of May Berlin
Tues, 25th of May Berlin to Amsterdam
Wed, 26th of May Amsterdam
Thurs, 27th of May Amsterdam to London
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