Hopefully these blogs start getting a bit shorter due to frequency I am able to access the internet. Italy is great for free wi-fi, so glad I bought this computer and now have every 2nd person and their dog asking to use it – which isn’t too bad a problem... But you have to give your passport details here – so they can track what you look at. Little bit like Big Brother – wonder what Australia’s internet censorship will be like.
And this hostel is fantastic – tv in room, a pool and free wi-fi in room! But only here for one night unfortunately.
Early wake up again and new bus driver. Since there’s really strict rules regarding how far and long bus drivers can drive our driver had to have two days off. And due to volcano disruption today was the 2nd one. So we got a crazy Italian driver – not much sleep occurred but tried so I would be relaxed if there was an accident. We’ve been blessed with our usual driver – you just don’t realise he’s there. But this one – accelerator then hard on brakes, accelerator and smash the brakes (and repeat... over and over...) But we arrived safely – and our regular driver is back!
First stop was Pisa – but unfortunately really short so hardly had time to take any good photos. Lame effort here but best of bunch... not much you can do in 20 minutes. The photo depends so much on the person behind the camera – was better to move it then ask the ‘model’ to make the adjustments.
“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day” when I’m not in Europe touring! I thought it got warmer here in Italy. Better not be raining in Rome...
So if you want some depressing news – check the weather forecast for the area I’m in. Not happy... We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
We arrived in Florence latish afternoon and had a quick walking around tour. Mainly to work out what we’re going to do tomorrow (in the 4 hours we have – what a travesty. Florence is already somewhere I have to revisit and I’ve only just got here...)
Took this photo in front of what I thought was something pretty impressive – turns out to be built in 1800’s (so very new for Florence) and was a Post Office. Talk about a bit of a downer... Luckily rain stopped for a bit so my hoodie didn’t get completely soaked. Again didn’t really dress for the weather.
And so at this stage (weather permitting) am going to try and climb this tomorrow!
Either the dome (right at the back) or the bell tower (on the left) – will aim for dome since a bit higher. No elevator so exercise here we come. May go and see David – or be content with the free replica. Will see how the day unfolds.
Finally - I think I'll give you a link to the "MOST HATED SONG ON OUR BUS" - this is the wake-up song played when we're stopping somewhere. Usually when you're just about to fall asleep...
Don't feel like listening again to this song...
Hope we share the annoyance...
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