This blog is being written as we sail over to Greece (and uploaded when we’re travelling to a Greek island). It’s been a good recovery day after all the excitement of yesterday. I think today is going to be another day to use the thesaurus. As mentioned before Rome is mind-blowing. I wish I had total memory recall – guess I’ll have to make do with revisiting this amazing city.
The Pope
Luckily (or well organised by Topdeck) we had our full day in Rome on a Wednesday. Wednesday’s are the usual day for the Pope to go for a spin in his very trendy pope-mobile. I was really looking forward to it – add it to our list of famous people we’ve seen on this trip. He was a little late getting out but he went pretty close to where we sat in the middle of the hordes. Couldn’t really follow what was going on (my Italian is less than limited) and we had to leave early to keep our schedule (and get in front of the crowds to the museum) but his holiness (?? Or another name) talked for quite a while. St. Peters Square was impressive – we got to watch Angels and Demons on the bus. Was lots of fun to see places live and then on the DVD.
(best photo I got of the Pope)
Vatican Museums
We had an Irish tourguide and got to have our own little headsets for this tour. Took heaps of photos – and just beautiful artworks and rooms. So much history. This is another place that has to be on anyone’s travel plans who haven’t been here before. Just remembering all the places and things I saw yesterday has taken me about 30 minutes to write this part. I don’t really have any interesting stories – but I recommend it wholeheartedly and don’t want to diminish it with my inadequate descriptions.
The final stop on the tour was the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo was a crazy but gifted man. And the chapel didn’t disappoint. You’re not supposed to take photos of it all – but not for religious reasons (you are supposed to be silent) – the reason for the ban on photos is that fuji film paid for it to be cleaned and preserved only if they got copyright of it all. Didn’t think I would get a photo but I walked in and absolutely everyone was taking photos – so I grabbed one.
(breach of Fuji’s copyright)
St Peters Basilica and Dome
We finished the tour – and the day was quickly disappearing. Due to the Pope’s visit we were running a bit behind schedule so everyone split up and tried to do as much as possible. I had a quick visit into the largest church in the world. My God, it’s incredible...
Weird story – this statue (an early one by Michelangelo) has been reconstructed.
(Michaelongos statute of Jesus and Mary - Pieta)
Australia’s claim to fame here is that a disturbed Australian managed to get to this statue with a hammer and start destroying it. He started to get mobbed by the locals and only the actions of the police dragging him away saved him. The statue had to be reconstructed and is now behind glass for its own protection.
After my way too quick walk around I decided to climb something – finally. The guide said we were lucky with the lack of the lines today so took advantage. Paid an extra 2 euros to take the elevator up half way so I could save some time. The stairs were quite an adventure – with the curved roof and the stairs leaning the other way there was a slight case of vertigo. The final ascent was pretty tight but well worth the admission price once you got to the top. Incredible view again – and the law stopping any building taller than the dome makes it even better.
(At the top)
With so much to do – and time slipping away headed off to my next date with the sights of Rome. The Colosseum. On the way managed to grab a photo of the guys in the pyjamas.
A small problem in my planned expedition through Rome was the ever helpful Italian Metro workers were striking in the middle of the day – and since the colosseum is on the other side of Rome was going to try and save time by not walking. Caught the first metro alright but got stuck for a bit at their interchange between metro lines. Finally got on the right one and got to the monument which led to this saying, “As long as the colosseum stands, Rome stands. And as long as Rome stands, the world will stand.” Luckily for the world the colosseum has had its 2000th birthday (or pretty close) and looks like staying around for awhile as well.
Got an audioguide (so I could jump the queue – think I’m sensing a pattern here) and just blown away heading into the ACTUAL COLOSSEUM! Was a little bit excited. I’m glad I saw the better preserved colosseum in Verona because here it had been slightly damaged over the years. The imagination just takes over and you get lost in the history of it all.
(Inside – I’m containing my excitement for the photo)
Capitoline Museum
Started heading back – had another tipoff about a fantastic gelato spot and thought I would try but wasn’t prepared enough and running out of time. Wandered to this newish museum – with the massive guy on the horse in front (our topdeck bus could fit between the horses legs) and my photos just aren’t good enough.
On the way passed the Italian army having an open day. Could get photos with a lot of their equipment including tanks and other vehicles of war.
Back to Camp
Rome doesn’t have a great metro – got a bit lost with finding the gelato place and then found I was a bit away from the closest station. Since we were staying out of town (train then bus) really had to get moving. Finally got back to our site and had tea – hadn’t eaten all day which was a waste of the fantastic Italian food...
Good-bye Italia
The next day was most boring day ever – let’s see how quick I can describe it. On bus – slept and watched DVD’s. Arrived at Bari. Got on Ferry, which ran late (typical Greeks). Day over.
Was pretty good having a very relaxing day after the excitement that was Rome. Heading to Greece which could be exciting – have heard a bit of the news about what’s going on but will hopefully be fine. Countdown is on for our Greek Island Break!
Extra Update – been through Greece – was pretty boring excitement wise – now on way to Island. Actually have internet on boat which is great. (but extremely slow... will see how many photos I can upload)
Week Ahead
Sun, 9th of May Greek Island
Mon, 10th of May Greek Island
Tues, 11th of May Back to Athens
Wed, 12th of May Athens to Meteora
Thurs, 13th of May Meteora to Tirana, Albania
Fri, 14th of May Tirana to Dubrovnik, Croatia
Sat, 15th of May Dubrovnik
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